
Saturday, February 5, 2011

Suspicious about Dairy

    A few weeks ago a friend of mine sent me an email that said the Japanese do not eat Dairy. They also have the lowest cases of cancer. Later, I read where dairy products contribute to congestion and excessive mucus. Now Harry and I LOVE cheese. We have experimented with some wonderful cheeses. I had to admit, I could hardly eat a meal without cheese. My cholesterol was proof of that. Even though we were eating rather healthy, the cheese was probably contributing to a host of my problems. We cut back on cheese a few weeks ago to maybe 3 times a week rather than 3 times a day. Our congestion has improved considerably but we still have an occasional cough.

Yesterday we decided to have an omelet for breakfast since we will be eliminating eggs from our diet soon. I filled it with mushrooms and a jalapeno pepper and added just a bit of grated cheddar/jack cheese. For dinner, I arranged some rinsed Cannellini beans, roasted red peppers, thin sliced zucchini, tomatoes and fresh basil in a shallow glass dish and baked it until the vegetables were tender. Then I topped it with fresh Mozzarella cheese (also known as buffalo Mozzarella). It was delicious and filling. However when I woke up this morning, I was hacking up a lot of mucus. My cough and congestion was nearly gone but the addition of that much cheese brought it back.
No doubt about it, I think the cheese was a factor.
I am going to experiment with making seed cheese. That is made from seeds that are soaked a few days then ground up. Yum.

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