Chris was in a contest to lose weight over an 8 week period. She won last night with a loss of 13.8 percent of her body weight. Weigh to go! (Pun intended).
This last week she lost 7 pounds. She worked really hard at it. Rode the bike 85 miles (not 100 like I said earlier), but 85 miles??????? Wow. I might make it around the block if it was all down hill.
Her goal is to get back the body she had at 29! That's been my goal since I hit 40. I am still working at it. Now I am working on 45. I might stand a better chance of hitting that.
On the flip side, I have some older friends I would like to comment on. Elaine celebrated her 75th birthday last summer, and her husband Julian is coming up on 80 this July. They get around pretty well. Elaine even has a jewelry business and has shows all year long. I worry about them though because they are not healthy. They see the doctors a lot. Julian is fighting cancer right now and having a hard time with the chemo. Now this same man had a pork chop last week that Fred Flintstone would have shared with his family. I mentioned the detox diet - less the juicing, as I really think this could reverse the cancer. At the very least, it would not hurt! Their response was to have us over for hamburgers. I am sure they enjoyed them but they eat beef and pork frequently. Even one day a week vegetarian might make a difference.
I met up with my husband's ex brother in law this weekend. He believed he got arthritis from taking Lipitor and then cancer from taking the drugs prescribed for the arthritis. I have no doubt he was right. He was clear of cancer, and surprisingly the arthritis seemed to be gone. However, he is still a heavy man! So is his wife. They clearly need to change their diet but can't imagine eating vegetarian even for a little while.
My other in-laws asked about the weight loss diet we were on. I told them about some tacos I made with bulgar wheat, mushroom and onion. That was enough. They don't like mushrooms. So much for the diet!
My hat is off to my daughter because she is doing something for her health without any more motivation than wanting to look good and be healthy. Well, the $500 didn't hurt either, but she was working hard long before the contest. Sometimes people have to wait until they loose their health and their looks. Sometimes they never get the wake up call at all.
I can't judge anyone for their decisions because I had a hard time myself. When I finally felt so bad I was willing to make a change, I was physically too ill to make it. However I fought back with the detox as a start to get me past the illness enough that I could then start on a diet to get healthier and lose weight.
Harry asked me today how much our diet impacted our allergies. My Doctor gave me a chart once and there was only two weeks out of the year there was not an allergen I was allergic to. Literally year round I had various degrees of a cough, red eyes and flu like symptoms. We went to the farm this weekend when allergens come out and attack you like baseball bats in full swing. Not a sniffle. Obviously our immune system has strengthened so much that our allergies are not a problem.
Neither is the acid reflux, diverticulitis or high cholesterol, but that is beside the point.
I can't believe that a vegetarian diet for the short time we were on it made such an impact. Keep in mind, we were vegetarian for 3 weeks, juice fast for one week, then we gradually added back animal protein over a two week period. After that we had a month of eating vegetarian and occasionally going out to dinner for what ever we had a yen for. This detox was a powerful diet!
Our current diet, the Dr Perricone diet has been compromised somewhat but we have held off any weight gain. We will have to see what happens this week now that we are following it better.
I guess I am a little puzzled why people would rather be sick than eat right. What motivates people to change. If we could bottle that motivation, we would all be healthy!
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