
Saturday, June 18, 2011

Can you afford $3500 a week to live?

I have some friends that are in their late seventies. They get around quite well but they are suffering from various health problems. One has been battling cancer for several years. He had a clean bill of health last year but now it is back.
He was stunned to find his insurance no longer covers chemo. Medicaid does not cover it either. He has to have chemo once a month and it costs $3500 each time. I learned there is a drug people can take now as an alternative to chemo. It runs $2500 - $3500 a month. Insurance does not cover it.

His wife had problems with her eyes. She was treated by an injection in the eye that costs $2500 each. The doctor recommended a series of 8 shots but wanted to see how well the first one worked. Luckily she has only had the one shot but she is dreading the possibility of another.

If you are like millions of American's, you don't have an extra $3500 a month laying around. If you do, then you probably have something else you would prefer to use it on. If you don't, then your alternative is to deny yourself treatment that could save your life. Read that last sentence again. In the case of my friends, they are shelling out $6000 a month out of pocket for medical expenses to stay alive, and not go blind.

We can only expect this to get worse as more and more baby boomers reach retirement age. Politicians are already talking about cutting off medicare and social security. The health plan that Obama signed into law will never happen. Granted there are some things about the law we don't like but the things we did like will never take hold. The insurance companies won't have it! As much as I could go on about how our insurance companies and other big companies own the American legislation, that is not my point.

It feels like a conspiracy that our food industry continues to churn out products that are unhealthy for us to eat. We fight an onslaught of chemicals, pesticides and pollutants every single day that weaken our immunity system. We cannot even eat healthy without paying a much higher price for organic or natural foods that are free of pesticides, antibiotics, hormones and food additives that are known carcinegens. Eating the food that is readily available makes us fat and unhealthy. However we can prolong our "health" by taking prescription drugs to combat the various diseases we get from our food and environment.

More often than not, our doctors prescribe the drugs but make no suggestions about lifestyle changes that may change improve your condition.

On the detox plan I proved I could drop my cholesterol tremendously by diet alone. I also proved that eating animal protien can push the cholesterol back up as fast as it came down.

I can't think of a better wake up call than to look into the future and see that if I don't take care of my health now, I may not have choices later on. I think retirement is going to be a challenge for most of us. Many people now have to make a choice between medicine and food. People are starting to find they will have no choice but to die a slow and painful death because they cannot pay for the medicine to keep them alive.

This last few weeks, we have had so much going on that we have all but reverted back to unhealthly eating habits. It takes time and planning to prepare healthy food. The alternative is for take out, dining out or fast food which are rarely healthy. We have seen the strides we made on our detox diet slowly go away. We are STILL much better off than we were before that detox diet, but we can see and feel the difference. I would like to note that we felt fantastic after a few short weeks on the detox plan. We have been off of it for nearly three months now and still are enjoying the benefits of that diet. This tells me that we can stay healthy even if we eat better food just part of the time.

It is my mission to find a diet that can be part of my lifestyle, easier to maintain and with more readily available choices for the hectic days.

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